Oh my God! Rarely has there been a time in my past when I have been so animated after a movie. Being the hypercritical, engineering brain, I did not approve a lot of movies albeit them being highly acclaimed. But then, into my life, walked the JOKER....sighhhh!! And all delusions of perfection and strictures went flying out the window...
Why did he die?? Oh! God! Why did he die?! Hail Heath Ledger and the Joker... For the irreverent few, let me clarify that it is the movie 'The Dark Knight' that has got my knickers in such a twist here. What a movie! For 20 whole minutes after the movie got over, I was experiencing a sense of numb awe and seemed physically unable to do anything more than that. Like I said, being the cynical waste on earth I am, I wasn't highly intrigued to watch the movie as I ain't a big Batman fan. But bless my impertinent friends who literally dragged me along anyway! This movie, is not juts a Batman movie... gosh! It is SO much more!
Each scene, each frame, is a take on human psychology. Every flitting emotion on a character's face represents a valid moral dilemma. Good v/s Bad has never before been showcased this well. And Heath Ledger! God! As The Joker, he rather tangibly portrayed the meanest, darkest, most sinister villain I have ever known. And he stitched up the whole act so well! From the tone of his voice to the lisps, it was just right! The first time he narrates the story about how he got the scars on his face..... brrrrrrrr.......... brilliant!
What I liked best about the movie (although it is hard to arbiter) is how human emotion and thought were sewn into a comic concept so realistically. The time when the Joker is imprisoned and is goading the officer on guard, each word is perfect! Every story the Joker narrates to intimidate, is so real and so damn possible! The enormity of the task faced by the 'Good' is best reflected in this movie. Although it is not a novel concept in the least, I'd give it full marks for the modification! Christopher nolan does it again! It is little wonder that the movie jumped to the top spot on imdb so soon!
As for THE JOKER, words are lost on me...
Heath Ledger - Rest in Peace!