Friday, July 6, 2007


It's funny how nothing is ever good enough for us! Although we've grown up listening to wise men drone about how we should be happy with what we have and not give in to the evils of temptation and greed but we crumble with hands held high above our heads screaming, ' We are but human!" Like being human cursed us to be creatures of sin and not a miraculous gift from the Gods above...
This particular strain of thought of mine is best emulated by the Jeffrey Archer short story, 'the grass is greener'. From a watchman to the CEO of a company, every class of life on this planet is constantly left wanting! If we have nothing, we want something... if we have something, we want everything... and if we have everything, we wish we had nothing! This vicious cycle never seems to fail to trap us wayward souls in its deadly claws!
And considering the plethora of excuses that we seem to have at our disposal,it's unlikely that we'd ever be able to shake ourselves awake and out of this entrapment. So what is our best way out?
I, being a helpless victim myself, am in no position to preach to the world. I, therefore, endeavour to make our excuses sound plausible enough... After all, we aren't wrong in saying that if we weren't wanting for something constantly, we'd lose all purpose to live! We DO need some motivation in life- some goal to seek... so what if our pursuit is peppered by liberal portions of cries and cribbing? Just imagine being happy about EVERYTHING in your life... no dissatisfactroy results, no pains at work, no headaches from your partner, no differing opinions with your parents, no bouts of cruel loneliness, no shortage of money (hoo boy!)...Whew! What would be left for us to strive to achieve? What grave problem would keep our rusting brains ticking?How do we get to feel the sweet ecstasy of accomplishment again?
And the ultimate reason- What other subject on planet earth would ever give us so much in common with all fellow beings? The language of misery is unanimously the oldest and most universal one! And in this day and age, when it is so imperative to bring the drifting lands closer, a happy life for everyone is the one prayer that could cripple our lives the most, if it came true...
Thus, we are quite justified in crying about the various 'sorrows' in our life. Way more interesting than a happy, boring life anyway....


1 comment:

brat said...

grass is greener is i think one of jefery archers best....the end espcilly.... ure lured into thinking what the guy on top will be jealous of, and when u reach there he finishes it so brilliantly....