Friday, October 30, 2009

Team's lined up, the whistle's blown,
Rules all pored over, plan's all drawn out,
Each step marked and each move detailed
And then feet of lead raise that first doubt
Stuck, you numb to the world raging around
Miss the team's yells and the timer's shrieks,
Lost in turmoil to find that elusive beast
Called purpose, that'd delineate the future, now bleak
It's been said often, it's been said well,
And each time the lament loses its sheen
In the face of maturity and some calm,
One but laughs at how silly one's been
But yet it's said often and will be said more so
For every now and then, life throws a moment
When all will yearns to go astray
And every decision craves to be bent
So in creeps, doubt, a friendly beast
Gets you talking for hours, at least,
And takes you through all that could have been
Making sure with care, each frame, you've seen
Then bids adieu leaving a raging war
In the bowels of the mind, not even far
So the night passes in restless wait
For the dawn, which for sure, does bait
But here, at last, creeps the sun's rays
And that's the last of the war, you pray
The sounds go silent, you hear no bombs
But it's just a calm before the storm, dear one
For it's a game He loves to play often
And He's sure to tease you again, for fun...
So best just sleep on it, and wait for day
Wish I learned to listen, at least once, to what I say!!

Taming beasts...

You know that indescribable feeling in the pit of your stomach that keeps you awake for days together?? That itch that you can't name but grow to hate with all your heart?? That annoying little voice that only speaks in gibberish in the back of your head?? Argh! I hate that time... It makes me antsy and restless and makes me oscillate between wanting to have a go at the next guy to walk past and .... well, yeah, just go hit something... Argh!!

I never know what it's about...I never know what triggers it...And I sure as hell don't know how to get rid of it... My best antidote used to be talking to this one friend till the heat subsides and I can go back to normalcy...Turns out, either the beast is newly resistant to my favored antidote or he and I have turned a corner in life... Sigh...So here I am, restless, edgy and almost frantic with not a clue as to how or why I ended up here... In fact, having my antidote busted just annoys me more... Dammit!

Yeah, sorry for the mood of this post...I don't like to go personal in my posts but it is a desperate attempt to vent... Living 8000 miles away from home limits your options for some good venting... God! I miss home... Well, not always, in fact not much but tonight, I miss home like the blind miss the sun.... I yearn to be back in the comforts of my streets and lanes that made up the kingdom I ruled for over a decade... Back in my foster home playing monopoly with a vengeance... Back on my terrace having crazy philosophical talks with aforementioned antidote... Or in my soul-sister's house watching horrible movies and cooking some popcorn... Or at "college" (meaning my friend's apartment... ) playing raucous rounds of cards and guzzling the perfect in memory...

The good luck with the perfect life extends onto this new continent I now inhabit... I've had a whale of a time meeting whacked creatures and creating new memories... From missed foam parties to victorious poker nights to crashed birthday parties and "sexxxy" birthday parties, I've had a ball from the word go... Add to it some glorious beaches nearby and being a stone's through away from George Clooney and Staples Center.... ahhh! Yes, life's perfect in reality as well... There's renewed purpose, although a lack of will, and a perfect setting to achieve childhood dreams... There's hope staring me in the face from all corners... And yet...

And yet, it is this infuriating poke in the pit of my stomach that clouds my mind... I don't know what it is... Hell, I don't even know why it is... It probably is my greedy heart wanting more from my near-perfect life... Wishing that memory and reality would fuse into a rosy future... Wishing for Monopoly parties at Palisades with old friends and new... Ahhh... that beast, "Greed".... Gets us all in the end... Sneaky monster... Creeps up on you even when your guard is on alert... Sighh...And the mind flows with the pretty pictures he paints... After all, ain't no crime to dream THE DREAM, is it??If only I knew how to tame the beast and let me sleep... so that I could actually just "dream".... siiggghhhh....

Monday, October 19, 2009

Note to Ranga...

I write to you now under great duress
From this 'dark' evil guy I never wanted to impress
For crazy 'little' friends in my new mad life
Seem intent to add him to my pain and strife
So they slip him secrets and get him to prod
Till he sits plum, expecting poems, the bloody sod
And gosh! I am stupid to bend to his whim
Especially since right now, I don't even like him!
No netbooks do lure, no racquet ball meets
Oh why am I writing this if with but sarcasm he will it greet?
A fool, a fool, a fool am I
And in the words of my beloved roomie, now please 'Go die!'