Friday, October 30, 2009

Team's lined up, the whistle's blown,
Rules all pored over, plan's all drawn out,
Each step marked and each move detailed
And then feet of lead raise that first doubt
Stuck, you numb to the world raging around
Miss the team's yells and the timer's shrieks,
Lost in turmoil to find that elusive beast
Called purpose, that'd delineate the future, now bleak
It's been said often, it's been said well,
And each time the lament loses its sheen
In the face of maturity and some calm,
One but laughs at how silly one's been
But yet it's said often and will be said more so
For every now and then, life throws a moment
When all will yearns to go astray
And every decision craves to be bent
So in creeps, doubt, a friendly beast
Gets you talking for hours, at least,
And takes you through all that could have been
Making sure with care, each frame, you've seen
Then bids adieu leaving a raging war
In the bowels of the mind, not even far
So the night passes in restless wait
For the dawn, which for sure, does bait
But here, at last, creeps the sun's rays
And that's the last of the war, you pray
The sounds go silent, you hear no bombs
But it's just a calm before the storm, dear one
For it's a game He loves to play often
And He's sure to tease you again, for fun...
So best just sleep on it, and wait for day
Wish I learned to listen, at least once, to what I say!!

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